All right. I hope you all had a chance to finish the assigned readings about animal play, because I want to spend some time discussing the different viewpoints presented in those articles. Let''s start with the play-as-preparation hypothesis. Jerry, can you explain it?
Male Student=
Yeah, Play-as-preparation. Young animals play in order to get really good at certain specific things they will need to do when they are adults, things like chasing, pouncing, climbing. In other words, they play in order to practice survival skills, like movements used in hunting and fighting. That hypothesis makes a lot of sense, like, maybe the most sense of all the theories we read about.
And what leads you to that conclusion?
Male Student=
Well, like wolves, the young pups, they fight a lot and bite, you know, not to hurt each other, but ... It just seems obvious why those wolf pups play like that. It gives them practice with skills that will make them better hunters or fighters as adults.
Female Student=
Oh, I don''t know about that. I mean, some of the things a young animal does while playing are totally different from the things they’ll do as an adult. There was a really good example in the second article. I can''t remember what it is called exactly, uh, self-…