1. Parents today spend too much time helping theirchildren determine their children’s future. Children should be allowed to maketheir choices on their own。
2. Success is not the most important thing in one’s ining happy and optimistic when you fail is more important。
3. Government should support scientific research even theresearch has no practical use。
4. Having a low-paying but secure job is better thanhaving a high-paying job that can be lost easily。
5. People should have hobbies and do physical activitiesthat are very different from their work。
6. People who have developed many different kinds ofskills are more successful than people who focus on only one skill。
7. The personal and work-related challenges that youngpeople face today are not very difference from challenges that their parentsand grandparents faced when they were young。
8. All high school students should take a basic economicscourse。
9. Sometimes, if you cannot say anything nice aboutsomeone, you’d better say nothing。
10. Printed books have greater effects on society thantelevision does。
11. Some people believe that a school should spend moneyon improving cafeteria foods. Other people believe that a school should spendmoney on social activities for students after school. What is your opinion andwhy?
12. Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than inthe past。
13. A person’s job has more effects on his or herhappiness than this person’s social life does。
14. To increase economic growth, government can neglectenvironment concerns。
15. It is impossible to be completely honest with yourfriend all the time。
16. Which of the following three factors contributes toan enjoyable vacation most? A. good food B. good location C. good friends withyou。
17. Which way do you think is the best for a student tomake new friends? A. Joining a sports team. B. Participating in communityactivities C. Traveling。
18. The benefits that students can get from studentorganization or club activities are as many as they can get from their academicstudies。
19. When you are assigned to finish writing about animportant presentation in a month. Which way do you prefer? 1. To start workingon it right away. 2. Wait until you have a good idea about it。
20. Nowadays students do not respect teachers as much asin the past。
21. People can learn more from watching television thanby reading books。
22. Schools always collect information about teachers’teaching performance and give rewards to those teachers who perform well. Whichway do you think is more useful: 1. to evaluate teachers’ performance bystudents 2. to evaluate teachers’ performance by teachers?
23. Nowadays, neighbors depend on each less than peoplein the past。
24. There are too many strict rules in societies for youngpeople。
25. Young people today are less dependent on theirparents in making better decisions for their own life than the young people whowere in the past。
26. When you are assigned to finish writing about animportant presentation in a month. Which way do you prefer? 1. To start workingon it right away. 2. Wait until you have a good idea about it.
27. Government should not offer artists like musicians,filmmakers any financial support.
28. One can learn a lot about another person from the booksand movies that person likes。
29. Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Colleges or universities should offer students a better jobpreparation before they start working. Use specific reasons to support youranswer。
1. 语音语调不好的同学,可以多练习跟读,在平时的练习中不断纠正自己的发音,同时模仿地道的语调,让你的语音更加准确,语调听起来更加自然。
2. 在平时的练习中,注重表达是否流畅。比如针对生活中感兴趣的话题,试着给自己充足的时间来谈论该话题,或者阐述自己的观点。同时我们要练习用英文思考,经过长期练习,英文思维可以让我们在表达的时候,减去中英文切换的时间,思路更加顺畅。
3. 掌握并练习归纳总结技巧、转述技巧、记笔记的技巧等,为自己的口语添砖加瓦。
4. 在练习中多总结自己常见的错误,或者自己不擅长的技巧,并加以练习。