之前我们说过动词词组即动词在前介词在后比如drop out退出的意思。My brother dropped out of high school when he was a junior. drop out 在这里是一个动词,如果我们去掉drop和out之间的空格变成dropout就变成了一个名词。我们可以说:
My brother is a high school dropout. 类似的词有很多很多,接下来我们以例句的形式来看一下:
1. rip off: 欺骗(尤其是无良商家欺骗顾客)
I got ripped off by the mechanic.
$100 for the repair work is a total rip-off.
2. pick up 泡妞
He picks up chicks at the sports bar. 他在体育酒吧泡妹。
That girl with Jason is just a pickup at the sports bar.
3. hang out: 出去闲逛
We usually hang out at the sports bar right by the campus.
The sports bar by the campus is a great hangout. (好玩的地方)
4. wipe out 摔倒(一般指骑车、或者是滑滑板的时候)
Jason didn't make that last turn on his bike and wiped out big time!
【 注解:big time 可以理解为程度副词,炒鸡,此处指摔的不轻啊!】
Jason got a big time wipeout when he made the last turn on his bike.
5. blow up: 生气、发火
Our professor really blew up during the lecture.
Our professor had a huge blowup during the lecture.
6. screw up: 搞砸了
Jason totally screwed up his date with that girl.
The date with the girl was a total screwup.
7. put sb down: 打压某人
Jason is always putting her down.
What Jason says about her is a put-down.
8. chow down: 大吃一顿
We really chowed down at the pizza place.
We had a huge chowdown at the pizza place.
9. goof off 吊儿郎当,不干正事
What he does most of the time is to goof off.
He's just a huge goof-off.
10. cop out: 推卸、逃避自己的责任;
She copped out and called in sick. 【call In sick 请病假】
She called in sick but it was just a cop-out.
11. be fucked up, 完蛋了
He screw up the exam, and he is totally fucked up.
fuckup 一般指游手好闲而且很笨的大傻逼。。。这个词真的有点狠。
It's really hard to teach when half of the students are such fuckups.