University is no longer afresh word to people nowadays. Since the beginning of thiscentury, more andmore youngsters choose to enter university after they have completed thestudyin high schools rather than to join the army or become an apprentice.Therefore,it is kind of interesting to find out the reasonbehind.
First of all, students can only learnfundamental knowledge during high school whilethey are able to focus on their owninterested majors in universities. This period is the key toknowledgeaccumulation, which will contribute a lot to the future of an individual.Moreover,university is no doubt the symbol of high education. It offers morethan pure knowledge. Adegree from a university gives people certain identitythat makes them stand out among their competitors. It can be seenfrom the fact that most of the internationalcompanies will only hire those whohave at least a Bachelor's degree it can be seen from the fact that;
Sincere dreams mightalso be the reason for university or college. For instance, inthe 60s and 70s,people in China experienced hard times. Many of them had to give upadvanced education and take up the burdens of life at their early age. Now, as theybecame parents or even grandparents, their dream for university education hadnodoubt realized by their younger family members. Those young people, asreported, oftenstudy very hard in order to fulfill theexpectations of two generations.
There is no doubt that university can bethe turning point of one's future, because highereducation will provide peoplewith not only knowledge prepared for their careers, but also thefulfillment of their life goals. Meanwhile, the society has improved its strength to sponsorhighereducation. Compared with the past, people now attend universities also because they areable to secure various scholarships and supports from different channels. A very goodexample is that many Chinese students are nowstudying in the U. S. Theirincentive motivation for application should be attributed to not only to their ownperformance but alsothe comprehensive education frameworks in the U. S.
Broadly speaking, people who study inuniversities have their hopes: to fulfill themselves. At thesame time, our society generously provides such an environment for people to achieve suchgoals.Therefore, when we see more and more fresh smiles on the campus of universities, let usjust wish them a promising future.