Will not solve problem.
1. Turbines need to be built where there is wind such as on mountains. Bats live close to mountains.
2. Tall structures attract bats and it is where they choose to sleep. Bats can sleep in the turbines at night but when the turbines starting working in the daytime, this will alert and harm the bats.
3. Radar can damage bat’s reproductive system.
体育必修课 Mandatory Physical Course
Reading:一位大学学生写信给校长要求将体育课(Physical course)改为必修课而不是现在的选修课,理由有二:
体育必修课(physical course required)可以使学生接触到以前从来没有接触的运动(sport),对新的体育项目发生兴趣
健身房里面(inside)的情况说明不了学生运动的状况,外面的情况不可忽视(outside does count)。有的学生在健身房外打网球(play tennis outside the gym),有的学生从校外骑自行车到校内(ride bike from off-campus to campus),这些都是运动;
体育必修课不能使学生产生新兴趣(explore new interests)。如果体育课改为必修,学生会选择他们"已经会的"或者"很擅长"的运动(choose the sport they have already known or they are good at),因为学生倾向于"行事谨慎"(play safe)。