Task 1.Which of the following three subjects would you choose to learn? Math, painting, science. Explain what you want to learn from this subject.
Task 2.Some students prefer to study in a library. Others prefer to study at home or in dormitories. Which way do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Task 3.proposal: a student suggest 图书馆限制同学们借书,最多借十本,因为1. 大多数人一次借的太多,看不过来2. 许多人借的时间太长,都丢了,这样可以减少图书馆每年丢书的数目。女生反对:1 要给好几个科目写paper,喜欢用很多书,至少20 本,而且所借的书都会看。2 从来没丢过书。
Task 4.
Reading: 生物因为坏境进化。
Listening: 两种动物,不是亲戚,俩大洲生活,吃一种虫子,这个虫子住在有泥巴覆盖的深巢穴里。于是他俩都进化出了长长的粘舌头,伸进去,粘蚂蚁。
Task 5.Problem: a party, students can relieve the stress from final exams and get away from books. A student band supposes to play music, however the leader of the band is sick, so the band was cancelled.
Solutions: 2 solutions by 2 students: 1. play records, but recorded music is not as exciting as live music; 2. Postpone the party to 1 week before the final exam, however some students will go home and miss the party.
Task 6.广告的两种方法。1种是in general地正面宣传整个公司,让客户对这个公司有信心。例如:卖家具的slogan是last long,而不是什么具体的桌椅;2是宣传特定产品的功能,例如printer,公司宣传printer轻小易携带with computer, slogan是"printing as you go