Which one do you prefer, shopping in a large store or shopping in a small store?
Would you like to spend time with family members or rather being alone?
Some people prefer to watch a sport game from the audience seat, others prefer to be in the sport field and compete with others. Which do you prefer to do?
When facing difficult situations, some people prefer to get advice from the elders like parents and teachers. Others prefer to get advice from friends of the same age. Which do you prefer and why?
Give Specific details and examples to explain your answer
Some people prefer the traditional way of working, like going to the office settings while others prefer to work at home, which one do you prefer and why?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement and why? People don’t need to memorize historical events or references because they can find such information from the Internet very easily nowadays.
cloud seeding 来减少冰雹
阅读里面讲的是一种叫cloud seeding的方法就是把碘化银打到云里面去文章认为这种方法可以有效的防止了冰雹对美国农业的危害
第一点原因是在实验室的环境下,冰冰雹是在接近零度的时候形成的,而在加入了碘化银后冰雹没有形成教授的反驳是这是在实验室的环境中,而在现实生活中情况是不同的而且把cloud seeding可能会导致其他种类的降水(例如雨雪)也被限制 从而导致干旱
第二点是在亚洲的一部分城市的应用表明cloud seeding确实在这些城市起到了防止冰雹的作用教授的反驳是这些城市都有空气污染,空气中的污染颗粒(PM2.5??)在防止冰雹的过程中也起到了很重要的作用(这一点的原因大家可以百度一下雨的成因在这里就不科普了) 而美国的农业地区空气污染很少 所以没有这些污染颗粒 所以这个方法在这些地方不一定有用。
第三点是在美国中部曾经用过could seeding这个方法而且数据表明确实有冰雹下降的现象教授的反驳是这种冰雹减少的现象在那个时候是一个大范围的改变不仅限于美国中部(cloud seeding被用的地方) 所以这种改变更大程度上应该是气候改变的原因。
使用分散剂(dispersant)对消除Oil spill 对海洋造成的破坏作用到底有没有效果。阅读:不能 1.不能彻底解决问题,因为只是使石油颗粒变小,burning 才能彻底消除。2.分散剂对海洋里动物有害 3.略 听力:可以 1.焚烧只在特定环境下才有效,当海洋风浪较大或流速过快时不能解决问题。分散剂把石油颗粒变小已经很不错了,因为这样就可以进一步借助海洋里的细菌分解作用消除石油颗粒。2.之前都是实验室的样本,浓度大,现实中用的不会有危害。
1.文章提到3个减小coal burning的污染1.提高反应效率,加压或者升温。所以在long run上来看可以减少污染。但是听力反驳说人口增长都有30%,你提高碳的燃烧率才10%
2.用水冲洗煤炭,除掉硫化物就不用有二氧化硫污染环境. 但听力反驳说这只是把硫化物转移到水系统,会污染河流和湖泊
The theories that was used to explain the decrease of brain size.
The first theory is the climate change. The temperature is colder, so the human body becomes smaller, and the brain size decrease
2) The second theory is the agriculture. People ate grain in the past which has less protein and vitamin, but the increase of brain size needs protein and vitamin, so the brain is small.
3) The third theory is the decrease of muscle mass. The part of the brain that control muscle activities are smaller.
Disagree. Those three theories cannot hold up this phenomenon.
1) The temperature goes up and down for several times, but the size of brain did not increase, even a little increase.
2) Some regions develope the agriculture recently, but also experience the same change at the same time as people in the rest of the world. In some area, such as South Africa and Australia, the green agriculture did not appear until recently, but people live there experienced a decrease of brain size too.
3) The muscle mass only reduced a little, but brain size decreased a lot. The loss of this region is too small compared with the overall loss of the brain size. If it have any influence, it will not be the main contribution.
The ecosystem declined a lot in the Ceaspeaken Bay, there are three ways to restore a bay.
1) Limiting catching carbs, overfishing is the main cause.
2) Importing oyster like the Asian oysters.
3) Limiting the use of fertilizer.
1) The crabs are the main economic source of fishermen.
2) The second method is too risky, using oysters might bring in new disease.
3) It involves six states, the population is too large to control.
Integrated Writing三主要原因和青蛙的下降的解决方案
Topic: three main reasons and the solutions to the decline of the frog Reading:
1.The first method to the decline is that the farmers should forbid pesticide.
2.The second method to the decline is let the frogs accept the treatment.
3.The third method to the decline is that we should protect wetlands and lakes and forbid human activities.
Disagree. Those three method s cannot solve this problem.
1.Forbidding the pesticide is harmful for crops.
2.The treatment must inject the frog one by one, it is too complicated and expensive.
3.The decline of wetlands and lakes has nothing to do with human activities but climate warming.