Task 1
Which technology has made the greatest impact on people's life in your country? Airplane,computer or television.或者另一个版本What is your favorite place to study?或者另一个版本////在家吃饭和在饭店买着吃,哪个好,列出优缺点。
Students should do part-time job before attending college /////或另一版本//////A or D , the most important influences that young adults have are from their families.
【学生意见】: 女的赞成,说好啊,现在吃饭的地方在 student center,离 building 好远,上课间隙来来回回很赶,要是能在一层吃东西会朋友该多好,然后又说数学系的楼太旧了,cafeteria 可以 recharge laptop 这样很方便,而且还可以在那干点别的事。(students always use laptops during classes - allows students to recharge and do homework at the same time. Plus the Math building is old.)
Task 1
现在的大学生经常 homesick,有什么解决的办法?
Task 2
Someone likes to collect old things, someone throw things away after they used it.what's your preference?
Task 3
原因二是取消 校内公交车对要乘车的人很不方便。
其次学校很小,去哪里都可以步行,不行横穿学校只要 30 分钟,况且公交车只取消几个小时而已,no big deal
Task 4
behavior exposure
Concerningabout negative consequence, kids usually fear to do something new.
Themethod to solve this problem is let them try new things gradually (sorry, can not recall some details)
The speaker gives a example:
His family moved to Los Angeles,some neighbor kids played outside (riding bicycle), he found that hisson wanted to join but also fear to do so. So he asked his son if helike to buy some ice cream from the store, his son said “OK”, then heasked his son say “hi” when they are passing by the neighbor kids. Hisson did that according to his suggestion. On the way back, herecommended his son to talk more with the neighbor kids on the bicycleriding ( did not get completely, sorry). After they returned home,hisson asked if he can go out to play with the neighbor kids.
behavior exposure 大概是心理学暴露疗法的意思
步骤 1.教孩子接触那件事
lecture (有点啰嗦 可是我难得记得住)
教授的孩子 Tommy 11 岁 搬到洛杉矶以后 Tommy 不敢和别的孩子玩,可是又想玩(傲娇啊)
有一天 tommy 看着窗外的孩子很郁闷,于是教授说 tommy 我们去买雪糕,然后路过那些孩子的时候打个招呼说 HI ,然后去了之后孩子们都很友善;第二次叫 tommy 赞扬别的孩子的车,然后就融入孩子们了。
Task 5
【学生困难】:女生要在校报发表一篇 paper,但文章写得 too long to publish。
【解决方案】:男编辑给他两个方案:方案 1、删掉一半 cut off the paper / make it shorter 就能立即出版。但女生觉得每个部分都很重要,不愿意 cut,要弄短就只能 Summarize 了。方案 2、到暑期版 summer issue 上发表 publish。女生不太愿意,因为暑假大家都放假了,没人看得到。
Task 6
monkey 常年住在树上,该怎么喝水。举了两个例子,第一个是一种 monkey(记不得名字了,屏幕上会出现),这种 monkey 只要吃新鲜多汁的叶子(tender leaves)就可以补充足够的水分;另一些 monkey 是去下雨后积水形成的小池塘里喝水;有一种 spider monkey 是寻找 cup-shaped 的植物,利用植物作容器喝水。