An useful APP on phones, computers or tablets you know
A handmade gift you gave to your friends or relatives
A special toy you had in your childhood
A vehicle you would like to buy (or own)
Something you really want to buy in the future
Describe a vehicle you would like to buy (or own)
You should say:
what (kind of) vehicle it is
what it would look like
why you would like to have it
and explain why you would prefer this means of transport.
例句1:The vehicle that I always wanted to buy is Toyota CRV which has a streamlined exterior design and unique color, i.e. beige. A latest transmission with seven gears is installed and I would be benefited for this new feature since I am still confusing with clutch and brake pedals at times after 2 weeks of learning.
例句2:I have been always imagining if I have a vehicle of my own, then I could get rid of the people in the crowded subway during the peak hours every morning and afternoon. Besides, I could also drive to anywhere that I am interested in without any preparation beforehand for the routes, that’s as long as my oil tank is filled up.
1.Part 1/3
Emails and letter
Do you often write things? What do you usually write?
Do you prefer to write by hand or write using the computer?
Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?
When do children begin to write in your country?
Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)?
How can children today improve their handwriting?
2. Weather
Part 1
What type of weather do you like?
When are there best weather in China?
What kind od weather is suitable for work?
How does weather affect people?
3.Describe a historical event/an important event in history.
6.Describe an openair place/Describe a place in the open air that makes you feel relaxed
8. Food/cook
Part 1 What kinds of food are popular in your country?
What is your favorite food ? What’s your favorite food when you were a child? Can you cook?
Do you like cooking? What are the benefits of eating homecooked food?
1. Describe a skill that you have ,talk about how you develop it and why it is important to you.
2. agree or disagree: having class discussions is important to students.
3. 阅读,peter 给学校写信说要求禁止在Dininghall前踢球,说是毁草坪。听力中的女学生说这没啥用,那儿的人很多,每天来来往往,一着急就踩草地。那个草地应该用作各种活动场地,这样学生休息时,可以放松一下
4. 阅读:讲的是sensory memory, a brain ability to remember things even the stimulus is over.听力举一个实验:12个字母显示在屏幕上,一会儿就消失了,参与者要求说出他们记住的字母,大部分的人都只说出几个,但是他们脑子里还记着场景。
5. 男的遇到一个问题,他有一个paper due要交,他的朋友叫他买今晚戏剧的票和他一起看,女的说可以回来后再写,男的说那他必须熬夜了,而且可能晚上交,教授会生气==要是不买票,朋友会生气,打电话说这件事很不好。
6. 讲的是动物学,人们看到动物嬉戏玩耍开始以为只是为了欢乐,后来科学家们发现,这是动物为了适应生存所做的事。第一方面,是为了练习捕捉猎物,举swallow 扔她的羽毛,并swoop down 在掉到地上之前去抓它,这样就练习捕捉苍蝇的技巧。第二方面,为了使肌肉强壮。猴子抓住树枝互相追逐,既锻炼抓树枝的能力,又练习肌肉是他们更好的在丛林里行走,为躲避捕食者作准备。