(V1) 如果学校图书馆裡面所有的纸质的书换成电子书好不好?/你认为这样做的优缺点
(V2) 有些大学把paper books 或者 magazines 给卖掉了,取而代之的是electronic books,你觉得可行不可
2. 你是否同意:政府应该投资提倡公民健康生活方式的项目。
Government 该不该 spend money on encouraging citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle。
3. 阅读:现在的Modern literature 课越来越 popular,有些大学就採取了两个方法让更多的同学enroll。方
听力:男的不同意学校的方法,理由是小教室更方便group discussion,大教室距离远了不好操作;而有的
同学晚上有活动,有jobs to do,肯定没有时间来参加晚上的课时。
4. 阅读:讲了一个叫反映(response)难易度(effort)的名词。不知该怎么翻译,反正就是讲完成一个任
5. 一男一女的对话。女的说她的父母weekend 要来 visit 她,她很兴奋,但是她的apartment 很脏乱。自
(1) 而她父母是晚上到,在晚上之前她有一个chemistry meeting,如果她跷掉meeting,可以回去打扫公寓,
(2) 如果她在 meeting 结束后 rush home,然后clean the house,即使没有完全clean,她的父母也会理解她。
6-1. 猴子在树上,但是在那裡,水只能在地底下得到。那么猴子是怎么得到水然后支撑生活的。
第一个是 absorb moisture from food,讲了一个什么hobe 的猴子(记不得名字了,萤幕上会出现),它们
吃的嫩叶子(tender leaves)裡面包含了水分,就可以补充足够的水分,所以它们不用吃水也没有问题。
第二个是喝雨水,一个called spider 猴子的,它们用cup like plant 来 link 在树上,当有水的时候就利用
那个cup like plant 作容器接水喝。
6-2. 动物的社会合作行为(social cooperation)对动物进食行为(feeding)的影响。观点:社会合作行为
舞,如 O 字舞和8 字舞,来告知其他蜜蜂食物源的位置,以及距离这样整个蜂巢的蜜蜂可以更有效的利
1. Advantage and disadvantage of eating in class.
2. Some people like collect old things such as newspaper, how about you, explain.
3. 阅读:学校有一个通知,提供大四记者专业的学生到真正的报社实习(newspaper internship),可以抵
听力:女生同意,自己也想去,说了两个理由:(1) gain experiments looks good on resume;(2) 有学分,可
以不用上其他的课,有更多时间为newspaper 写 report。
4. 阅读:planning fallacy: fail to consider all the possible factors that affect the project and lead to the inaccuracy
in estimate the time that cost to complete then lead to bad consequences,意思是人很难预测到潜在的问题
(potential problems)。
听力:教授举了自己的例子。他在大学时,有一次教授tell them couple months in advance, but he think
himself as a fast worker, so he didn’t do in until the day before deadline。到了图书馆,借了书,写一半发现不
够,材料只够写6 页,于是又回图书馆,可是关门了,所以只能迟交作文,最后得了很低的分数,虽然
5. 男生在 spring break 要去西班牙玩,準备拍照,但是数码相机丢了,女生让他买,但是他说没有enough
他自己说他朋友Jack 可以借给他,但是他不想向他借。女生说:对,万一broken 或者stolen 就不好了。
6. 水里的动物如何适应 rapid current,教授举了两个例子。(1) black fly larva 身体底下有吸盘,像anchor,
吸在石头上;(2) 是 sculpin,没有鱼鳔,沉在水底sink in water。
1. 选择住处?离学校近,离家近,还是离交通枢纽近?
2. 愿意读书还是听讲座
3 阅读:学校要给学生开设information day,提供关于出国留学的信息谘询。
4. 阅读:constraction of quality 。动物通过动作表现自己比较彪悍,以逃避天敌
5. 女孩的脚伤着了,但是马上要带领20 个小孩去登山(hiking)。
两个选择:( 1)在家休息,因为有另一个人会照顾,但是对于另外一个负责人来说,独自带领20 个小
第二是去,但是只能跟在后面慢慢走,而且这次登山只有2 个半小时。
6. 科学家怎们研究过去人们吃的食物。一是通过画家的作品;二是通过残留的种子。
1. 如何提高你的国家的教学品质( education system),用你们国家用的方式解释。
2. 有声读物(listening the audio)和阅读纸本书,你喜欢那个。
3. 阅读:学校让宿舍生选室友。
听力:女同学不赞成。(1) 和室友一般没什么矛盾,矛盾也是小矛盾;(2) 应该学习化解矛盾走上社会可
以用;(3) 住校外的都是为了省钱,就算你可以选舍友仍然会住外面。
Reading: A letter suggests that students should choose their roommates based on two reasons: fewer conflicts and
more dorm residence.
Listening: the woman disagrees with the suggestion: (1). There are not many conflicts between roommates; even
if there are conflicts, students should learn to overcome them rather than avoid them. Experiencing conflicts and
solving them are part of university life. (2). The reason why students choose to live off-campus is that the price of
dorm living is too expensive not that they cannot choose their own roommates. Therefore, allowing to choose
roommates does not solve the problem.
4 阅读:information bias,大概就是人以为资讯越多就越有把握,结果等资讯等的机会没了。
People need information to make decisions, however, sometimes people go too far with this opinion, and thus,
they believe more information is always better. This kind of opinion is called information bias.
However, when people are addicted to collecting information, the decision might be no longer needed. The
professor states an example to illustrate this idea. Several years ago, he tried to find a research assistant for a
project and he interviewed some candidates. The first one was quite impressive with rich experience, a great
knowledge and a degree in related field.
The professor liked him. However, instead offering the first candidate the job immediately, the professor kept on
interviewing others. After one week, he could not find anyone else more satisfactory than the first candidate,
therefore, he called the first person and offered him the job. At that time, the first candidate already accepted
another project. As a result, the professor needed to find someone else who was less qualified for that position.
5. 一对男女同学的对话,男生靠bike 上下学,但是冬天到了,就无法这样做。
问题:summarize the problem discussed in the conversation, which solution do you prefer?
The man has a problem: he cannot ride his bicycle in cold weather anymore. They discussed out two solutions:
(1). The man can share his roommate's car, but their class schedules are different; (2). He can buy a used car from
one math student at a reasonable price, but owning a car is actually expensive.
6. Wild life protection. People like go hiking, walking around or viewing scenery in wild nature. However, the
action may affect plants and animals. There are two ways to protect the environment from disturbing while
allowing tourists to visit the nature.
(1) People sometimes walk around in forests and create paths. Create a protection to protect delicate
environments from disturbance.
(2) Restrict number of visitors per day and there are two methods:
m1. Group tourists into small groups and assign tour-guide for them;
m2. limit the small group numbers.
Two ways to protect natural environment from being damaged by recreational nature walk. (1). Separating
humans from the environment by building trails; tourists are only allowed to walk along the trails; (2). Limiting
the size of the visiting group.
Only small groups under with guides are allowed, and thus reduce the impact on the environment.
1. What food do you suggest university cafeteria should add to attract more people?
2. Do you like to buy new books or used books?
3. 阅读:学校準备 start a new mentoring program,是让大四的人带大一的人(let fourth grade students to
mentor first year students。)。
有两个好处,(1) 大四的人知道的比较多;(2) 还有就是大一新生可以有更多social。
听力:同意这个plan,因为那人说他大一的什么都不知道,比如说schedule change 还有,building location,
所以有个人能告诉他这些information 的话会很有帮助;另一个理由是,他大一的时候认识的人都是大一
4. 阅读:一个心理现象,outcome dependency:如果说一个人觉得另一个人有用的话,或者说对那个人的
助的话,会有比较好的印象(people will have a better impression on someone who helps them to achieve their
goal. If people know that a person is part of your team, then people favor this person.)
听力:教授举了一个例子说卖office equipment 的公司,sales groups。他们的奖金bonus 跟 sales 有很大
的关係。Two groups were showed the same video 关于一个 sales person 的 work experience, 第一组人就直
后比较focus on personality 并且
describe the character as a likable person,都觉得这个人很qualified, will be an excellent sales person。
5. 女生要完成 paper—do the assignment for business class:採访一个magazine 的创始人。为了学习关于how
to start up business, but the businessman called to cancel the interview because he has to attend a last-minute
conference and will not be able to be back(out of town 了) until next week.
解决方法:(1) 下个星期採访,但那个女生就less time to write paper。(2) 採访别的人 interview another person
from the list given by the professor,但是area 会不一样,女生对那个magazine 很感兴趣。
6. Two advantages of crop rotation. One is to restore the nutrients in soil. Wheat uses up nitrogen, but planting
bean will restore nitrogen. The other is to decrease insects. Some insects eat wheat, so planting beans reduces this
kind of insects.
1. Talk about advantages and/or disadvantages of children playing computer games
小孩子玩电子游戏有advantage 也有 disadvantage,分别说说并给出例子。
2, Some people use products without reading the instruction, others read instruction before using . Which one do
you think is better?
product 有说明书,你会看说明书使用,还是自己研究怎么用。
3. Reading: Students need to move out from an on-campus dorm because the building will be used as the faculty
house. The school gives reasons: (1) There is no enough house for faculty on the campus. (2) Faculty can live
close to workplace.
Listening: Male student disagree for 2 reasons: (1) He lives in that dorm and he feels it is very convenient
because it is close to cafeteria and students center. (2) Faculty won't like living on campus because they can find
other spacious place to live in the town. They all have cars, so they like driving to work.
4. 阅读:学校要把学生宿舍变成faculty house,因为老师没地儿住。
听力:学生不同意。理由一、说那个central area 很方便,又有咖啡厅啥的,老师们又不需要,住在那里
由二、老师在town 裡可以找到更好的房子,而且他们都有车,来学校很方便,根本不care 你的 faculty
Reading: Plant has priming ability. Plant can have reaction in order to protect itself when it get damages by
insects. When it gets damages first time, the time of reaction is very long. But the second time, it can react much
Lecture: Professor gives one example: Leaves of the tobacco can release chemicals when they are eaten by
caterpillars. But the first time, it takes several weeks to release. During these period of time, caterpillars have
eaten a lot. But the second time that the leaves are eaten by caterpillar, they will release chemicals very fast
(several hours? 好像说是 hours).
听力:教授就举了例子说tobacco 的叶子容易被毛毛虫吃,第一次毛毛虫attack 它时,它就会produce
special chemical 来保护自己,但是这要通过couple weeks 才能生效,然后毛虫不吃它了。几个月之后毛虫
又来吃叶子了,这次tobacco 就能快速的分泌这种chemical,所以就不会像第一次那样被吃掉那么多了。
5. 男生遇到困难,说找到了off campus apartment,但一个问题是离学校远,男生有足够钱买车,他看了2
bus 站离住处比较近---(这裡还有其他内容,没记住)但bus runs very early in the morning, and he is not a
morning person.
6. 科学家对 successful people 做了调查,发现他们都有制定goal。然后就分析goal 和 success 的关係,
而这个goal 要有2 个因素才能导致成功:(1) specific:举例是one people set having a car within a year as a
goal. 然后说这个 goal too general to be achieved. 如果这个人的目标裡确定了a specific model type and the
price of a car,他就能够实现这个目标。(2) realistic:举例是一个人目标是一晚上读100 页书,这个是
impossible goal,所以不会实现,但确定1 周读 100 页书,就realistic,可以实现。
1. 带领外国游客参观大学校园,你会带他去看什么地方?
2. 要教小学生 hand writing 还是直接教打字?
3. 阅读:学校要举办 art air,学生可以display 自己的作品,所得profit 捐给一个art studio 的建设项目。
听力:女不同意,理由一:没必要,因为他们学校在student center 已经有一次art fair,给了他们好的展示
center 展出钱就可以
4. 阅读:Scope Creep(範围潜变):在进行工作前先跟客户制定好计划和规矩,交易过程中实际提供的
service 可能会变多(clients tend to ask more in a business process which is beyond the initial agreement),这会
造成business 和client 之间的conflict。
听力:例子是一个construction 公司的朋友,一开始帮一个女的建fence,说好是build a fence around her
5. 一个男生之前因为忙考试,现在要申请实习,赶着要一份application for summer intern
解决方案(1)找economics 的老师帮他写recommendation letter,但时间有点来不及。他可以找econ teacher
(2)不写要letter,自己填完file 出去,但是就要确保其他部分很优秀才行,不知道这样是不是good enough。
6. 讲 biology,forest fire 对某些动物其实是有利的,
(1)捕食者更容易找到食物,因为大火使猎物暴露在open area,例子是火鸡(turkey)守在森林边上等
(2)森林火让环境变得有利于某些动物的幼崽生存,例子是beetle 平时不能生活在某种树上因为树上的
toxin,但是起火之后树皮烧没了就没有toxin 了,beetle 就把卵产在那裡,有虫孵化之后能吃树获得营养。
1. 在家裡和谁像,traits 还有行为之类的,为什么
Talk your family member which has similar traits as you. Describe that traits.
2. 喜欢住大地方但是远,还是小公寓但是离学校近
Decide: Big and new place but far from your workplace and/or university small and old place but near your
workplace and/or university
3. 阅读:math building 开个咖啡屋好处:1 有地儿吃饭;2 可以给电脑recharge
听力:女生同意。(1)现在的吃饭的地方在student center,很远,没时间过去在回来,有了cafe 还可以和
朋友spend time 什么的;(2)现在的building 太老了,没有recharge 的地方,然后很多数学学生上课都带
电脑,所以她们就可以recharge laptop 了,而且还可以在那儿写作业。
Reading: Letter proposal:
(1) convert large empty room in Maths building into small cafetaria. Student will can eat between classes
(2) install recharge outlets in new cafetaria so student can recharge their labtops.
Listening: Woman agree:
(1) Convenient - student can eat between classes as the current student center where the cafetaria is located is far
away- save more time to go to next classes in Math Building
(2) Recharge outlets- students always use labtops during classes - allows students to recharge and doing
homework at the same time. Plus the Math building is old.
4. 阅读:医学研究的 diffusion effect:就说做实验的时候实验组和对比组的人contact 了
听力:例子是研究人们天天坐在building 裡tired 什么的,给他们分成A B 两组A 组的人能做一些new
exercise 后来几周以后A 组的人说exercise 特好被 B 组的听见了B 组的就也去做了所以实验就没法做
Reading: Diffusion effects- when information is shared between the 2 groups involved in the research, this will
make the research outcome become ineffective/useless or this will defeat the original purpose/objective of the
Lecture: The professor provides example of Group A and B in an office environment; Group A is told to perform
stretching exercise to improve their health condition. Group B is told to continue on their existing work/ behavior.
When one member is Group A leaked/told a member in Group B that he actually feels good about stretching
exercise at workplace. Group B member will follow. The results of the research is not reliable since Group B
follows the same advise as Group A.
5. 男生怎么去机场,朋友没按约定来送他,可以公车或者继续等不然就taxi
两个方法:1 做 bus 去但是不能直接到要在 downtown 转一下但是他有特重的行李觉得太麻烦了还要
转车2 taxi 很贵虽然他足够的钱但是是他春假要用的钱
Problem: waiting for friend who might not turn up and the guy miss his flight.
option 1; take a bus, but no direct bus to the airport. Need to change bus, plus heavy suitcase.
option 2: take a cab but expensive. Even enough to pay for taxi but plan to use the money to buy things during
spring break.
6. 动物怎么适应的,如何能跑的快之类的:1. feet 说 feet 粗糙就不会被粗糙的地hurt 了。举了个叫什么
cheetah 好像这么发音例子 说他脚很粗糙生活在非洲沙漠这个粗糙的脚可以不让他被沙子烫这样跑
的时候就不用slow down 2. legs 还是这个动物 说他腿长什么后腿怎样然后可以把身体push off 向前然
The type of adaption that enables animal to run fast
(a) special feet - a pad underneath the feet - able to run on rough surface and avoid hot sticks. Eg Cheetah
(b) large long legs -muscular muscle around the leg sending the body forward. also, long legs enable Cheetah to
travel long distance within short time.
1. 现在机器人代替人完成了很多过去手工完成的东西,你觉得好不好?
2. 你觉得老闆应该要求员工穿formal cloth 还是允许穿casual cloth 。
3. 阅读:哲学院要host breakfast for students every month and invite professors to talk。
hall 的吃的太单一,大家不愿意去,这样一来可以吸引更多学生来参加。
4. 阅读:一种现象“passive XXXXX”, 讲的是,有些人总认为outcome is negative in the future,所以这些人一般
听力: professor 举了个例子,说他和他同事去参加会议,然后从机场出发每个人都带了suitcase 和carry on bag 。
但是下飞机后,他们的suitcase 丢了,不能及时送到。他的同事就是那种经常想坏结果的人,所以他準备了extra
clothes in his carry on bag 而且也把所有重要资料放在了carry on bag 裡所以他的同事不用担心。但是教授自己属于不
5. 男学生Sam 负责在学校放电影,然后这星期他还请到了professor 在电影放映前介绍电影,但是professor 临时
家裡有急事就cancel 了这个lecture。Sam 自己就想了两种解决办法,一个是reschedule,但是怕好多学生临时没看
到通知还是去了。另外一种是他自己準备材料讲,但是就会少了Q&A 环节,因为他没办法回答学生问题。
6. wading birds,就是一些喜欢在水边上泥裡找吃的的鸟。但是由于有泥,所以鸟类需要adaptation。
(一)特殊的beak。泥裡很难分辨什么是食物什么不是,有种鸟stork,它有special beak 很长而且有sensor,非常
sensitive ,所以每次触摸到泥裡的东西就能分辨是不是食物;
(二)特殊的脚。鸟站在泥裡容易sink down,但是stork 的脚很奇特能站在泥上(应该是脚趾之间是连这个,然后
toes 很大吧)。
1. 数学,画画,科学这叁个学科你会选哪一个来学,你想从这一门课学一些什么?
2. 你是喜欢用电子邮件还是用电话和朋友家人沟通?
3. 阅读:学校要来一个节电比赛,看谁用电少,赢者奖励皮萨派对。
4. 阅读:机会主义者。植物界有这样一种,当一块地方的植物被不知道什么塬因消灭的时候,这种机会主义植物就
5. 一个女的抱怨校外租的公寓裡面的室友好吵,都不能学习了。
( 1)男的说那你下学期租到校内来,女的说校内的公寓没有厨房。
( 2)她说自己想要自己一个人租一间校外的,但是好贵,她说可以把图书馆的工作时间从15 小时每週调整成20
6. 经济学Scarcity :就是说如果你和顾客说这件衣服不剩多少了,再不买就没有了,他们就会疯买。或者你和顾客
1. 是否喜欢和长辈(叔叔阿姨爷爷奶奶)聊天
benefits of talking to older family members
2. 傢俱或小家电坏了是自己修还是拿到店裡修
3. 阅读:校报登了封信,建议改善auditorium 的设备,建立网上购票系统(online tickets system)。
4. 阅读:文章提出一种商业竞争策略(fighting brands),即,大公司为了抗衡小公司的廉价同类商品,推出二线品
听力:教授举例,大公司A 生产数位相机,口碑很好,大家都乐意买;小公司B 也跟着生产山寨数位相机,便宜很
多,大家觉得这也是个不错的deal。大公司A 为了保住市场佔有率,推出了一个二线品牌数位相机,价钱便宜,质
量一般,但因为公司A 着名,大家都转去买公司A 的二线品牌,小公司B 只好停产了。
5. 男生抱怨住宿舍之后睡不好,导致上课精神不能集中,因为宿舍紧挨楼梯,楼梯晚上很吵。
6. 某鸟喜欢下蛋在host bird 的巢裡,教授举了两个例子说明host bird 怎么防备某鸟。
1. 问你愿意做下面哪个社区服务( community service):
(1)help child with their homework ;(2) teach adults using computer;(3)clean city park
2. 如果可以选择,有两个家,一个是距离shopping center、餐厅、图书馆等很近, public transportation 也方便,但
3. 阅读:学校的建议书。学校图书馆很有用但是很难操作,学生不知道怎么用,有人建议学校开设课程( library
training day),教学生怎样使用资源和查找图书,并且在课程结束的时候做一个作业,确保学生们都学会了。
听力:男生反对这个计划,因为( 1)现在大多数人直接用自己的电脑连接网路查资料;( 2)即使需要用到图书馆
订阅的journal,也可以用自己的电脑联网找,不需要他们;( 3)新生本来就很忙了,heavy load of homework,还
4. 阅读:psychological risk 。一个产品在消费者心中产生了心裡上的危险,这个针对个人信仰(personal belief)是
违背的,这需要去瞭解人们的risk 去做广告才能达到更好效果。
听力:说某个公司卖一辆sporty style car,打的广告是这车能跑很快很快,但后来发现有些人由于担心这车对环境污
重突出这车的environmentally friendly,最终导致车子卖的更多了。
题目:对于这个concept 例子是怎么解读的
5. 一个女的问:你这个时候不应该在上课吗?
男的说:我错过公车(miss bus),现在要过去。但是老师允许一次不到可以不扣分,而且老师对迟到很生气,所以
6. 生物课讲关于物种入侵的物种需要具备的条件( invasive species 会在一个地方successfully),两点。
(1)物种要有flexible diet ,各种来源的食物都可以吃( they depend on wide range of food),所以有很强的生存能
力。例子:澳大利亚的蛇引进到某个大西洋小岛,没有天敌lizards,可以吃birds ,然后这蛇就成了invasive species;
(2)可以容忍环境的变化。例子:亚洲的鱼引进到美国西海岸( a fish from Asia to the western coast of America),
可以适应那裡的水温变化( they can adapt to the change of temperature of sea water),忽冷忽热都没事儿。