V680 M800
Issue: 1. 我们现在遇到的问题是比前人遇到的复杂了,这是个假像
2. 一个社会尊奉的英雄反应了这个社会的态度
Argument: Beauville should follow Dillton by cutting down 15% tax rateto attract companies to move in and thus reduce unemployment rate.
Just finished it today! It went pretty well! I skipped the luch time left) and only focused on the two short readings and analogies, antonyms, and sentence completions. Materials used: 韩国2年JJ (2 times), 蓝宝书 (5 times), 红宝书 (4 times)
Here are all I can remember (I think all these answers are correct, please confirm):
EXHORTATION : MENTION :: admonition : warn
REPROACH : SCOLD :: topple : collapse
ARDENT : ZEAL :: ascetic : self-denial
ABASE : FORCE :: dampen : ardor
PARRY : QUESTION :: shirk: duty
AUDIBLE : STENTORIAN :: discerned : obvious
VAINGLORIOUS : HUMILITY :: prodigal : thrift
LUCULENT <> obscure
SALUBRIOUS <> unhealthy
DAB <> coat thoroughly
QUIXOTIC <> pragmatic
-- don’t remember but I’m very good at th (I’m a math major) and didn’t spend much time preparing it.
Good luck to everybody!!!!