1.describe a personality have changed since you were a child .Explain how you changed this personality .Please include specific reasons and details in your response
2.should the parents let their children practical course like cooking and personal finance
3.学校决定取消administrator给新生做tutor的传统,改由在校大做tutor。女生表示很好,因为1 administrators的确很忙;2 学生们也good at it
5.papaer出了问题,然后女生自己想了2个建议(不是男生给的),1是直接交不好的,她相信教授不注重外面,2是重打一份 问题是你推荐哪个idea
6.Topic is under ground animals.然后说它们生活有许多Challengs~~然后例句了2个方面,都是用一个动物来例举的,mole 鼹鼠 一是evolve了强壮的strong的前feet,能挖的又快又深,在地下很快地跑 二是小眼睛tiny eyes上长了long hair,可以防止particle进入眼睛