A map of the Levant with Natufianregions across present-day Israel, Palestinian territories, and a long armextending into Lebanon and Syria
Climate Change and the NatufianPeople(14年6月15日考题)
Did Sauropods live in Swamps?(重复15年9月17日,17年12月16日和19年4月14日考题;腕龙是否生活在沼泽里?最大的蜥脚类动物,一直认为它生活在沼泽中,依靠水中浮力支撑庞大体重,身体构造也适合在水中,比如长脖子让鼻孔露在水面呼吸;反驳观点认为它无法承受巨大的水压,胸腔无法承受无法正常呼吸,并且它的腿脚可以承受巨大的体重;长脖子的用处并不是用于吃更高处的植物,因为计算机模拟发现脖子的运动幅度只能吃地面2-3米高的植物)
Life In the Desert(重复16年10月16日考题)
Towns in the High Middle Ages(重复16年9月11日和17年4月1日考题;中世纪欧洲主要是农业社会,城镇的特点有:人口密度大;劳动分工;以市场贸易为基础,被地主控制,商人们为此和地主之间有竞争。)
The Qualities of a Good TroutStream(16年12月3日,17年4月15日和18年12月1日考题;trout 鲑鳟鱼)
A Debate about Dinosaurs(重复17年11月18日,18年12月8日和19年5月4日考题;恐龙是否是温血动物,灭绝是否跟环境巨变有关)
Extinction of the Mammoths(重复17年10月28日和1月7日考题;冰川期猛犸象灭绝理论,涉及气候因素,但有局限性)
1968混乱年(重复18年3月24日,7月14日,19年1月5日和6月16日考题;the mostturbulent year,战后反对集权统治,要求自由平等,媒体力量大,带来变革,影响了社会,宗教等)
Optimal Foraging Among Primates(18年1月13日和19年5月11日考题,猿类使用工具,最大化获得的营养,最小化消耗的能量)
The role of the Horse inTransportation
sea otter的生存情况和其对kelp生长的影响(吃它的根部),也讲了人类对于sea otter的影响,猎捕其皮毛。
A diver in a kelp forestoff the coast of California
Climate Change and the NatufianPeople(14年6月15日考题)
Paragraphs 1 and 2
The so-called Natufian culture inhabited what is now theMiddle East between approximately 14,000 and 11,500 years ago. This period iscommonly split into two subperiods, Early Natufian (14,000 to 13,000 years ago)and Late Natufian (13,000 to 11,500). The Natufians were hunter-gatherers whorelied primarily on gazelle, although they also cultivated some cereal grains. ■Duringthe early period at least, they lived year-round in villages in built stonehouses. Like all human beings, their way of life depended on theclimate. ■Around 13,000 years ago, their climate began to change, becomingcolder and drier, a period known as the Younger Dryas.■
We know that times were hard in the increasingly aridlandscapes of the Younger Dryas, but quite how hard remains unclear. ■Thedroughts certainly caused many ponds and rivers to disappear completely and thelarger lakes to shrink in size. The people who lived in the south, in today’s desertsof the Negev and the Sinai, were most likely hit the hardest. They returned toa completely transient hunter-gatherer way of life, moving from place to ival required improved hunting weapons: game (animals hunted for food) hadbecome scarce, and consequently, success had become essential when a kill waspossible. And so we see the invention of the Harif point, a new kind ofarrowhead.
Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where thefollowing sentence could be added to the passage.
As long as the climate remained moderate, theNatufians were able to thrive by remaining in their villages.