volcano on Mars
Sumerian Contributions(重复14年5月24日考题)
Art and Culture of PacificNorthwest Communities(重复15年3月7日考题)
Earth's Atmosphere(重复15年1月10日考题)
Tree Species Identification inTropical Rain Forests(重复15年11月15日,17年7月8日考题)
Attribution Bias(重复16年8月21日和18年5月19日考题;归因偏见)
Causes of Industrialization in theUnited States(重复16年6月4日考题)
The Volcanoes on Mars(重复17年12月9日考题)
Extinction of the Mammoths(重复17年1月7日和10月28日,18年9月9日考题;冰川期猛犸象灭绝理论,涉及气候因素,但有局限性)
The Sogdians and the Silk Road(重复17年12月2日,19年3月31日考题;粟特人和中国,丝绸之路)
Shipbuilding in Venice(重复18年4月15日考题,可以参考TPO25-2)
Honeybee Communication(18年3月11日考题)
鱼类的smelling系统,Lobe fish和ray fish对比
Totem Poles, a type of NorthwestCoast art
Attribution Bias(重复16年8月21日和18年5月19日考题;归因偏见)
P1:社会心理学家发现我们预判他人行为的过程是可以预知的,其中判断失误不是偶然,而是因为我们容易犯系统性的归因错误,即Attribution Bias
Art and Culture of PacificNorthwest Communities(重复15年3月7日考题)
Paragraph 5
■ Masks (see figure above) are the most variedof the carvings from the Northwest, where they were an essential part ofcommunal life. ■ In style they range from an almost abstract symbolism tocombinations of human and animal features and to a lifelike naturalismsometimes bordering on caricature (a style that strongly exaggerates featuresor characteristics), taken to its extreme in Tlingit war helmets. Some differences must have been due to those among the cultures in which they werecreated, but their place of origin cannot always be ascertained as they seem tohave passed from one contiguous nation to another in the course of trade or warfare. ■ Although carvers worked according to established conventions, no two masksare
identical and those with basic similarities revealvarying degrees of skill. ■
Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where thefollowing sentence can be added to the passage.
If we consider 100 raven masks made by different carvers,for example, some will have been well executed, others less so, and one mayhave been made by an exceptional carver.