Conversation 1
话题分类:student and facility manager
内容回忆:学生先说自己在学environmental science,现在paper也写了,对当地的recycling比较好奇,于是manager给她介绍了一个volunteer job 就是关于回收的,提到图书馆那边有个guideline, 但是他觉得人们应该被更好地被告知这些回收的信息。1st提到要planning, 如何提高大家的回收意识;2nd提到宣传,目前他们是用chalks写的,而不是打印。学生很惊讶,同时表示自己是people person,更喜欢fill in questions之类和人打交道的工作,于是manager介绍了另一个education department的工作,负责在information booth填表。
Conversation 2
话题分类:student and engineering professor
内容回忆:学生来询问一个课程,叫history of engineering,他对课程比较迷惑。Professor说这是她争取好久的在学校做的实验,尝试开放让非engineering专业的学生也来了解这一历史。对于这类学生有different set of requirement, 他们不涉及engineering的内容,只学历史,作业也不一样,一般是关于city planning之类的论文和presentation。学生表示很想学,但自己是first year。Professor说不影响,但是必须先找advisor商量看看怎样安排更好;同时提到她可以留个位置给学生,不用担心all filling up.
Lecture 1
标题:Plein Air
内容回忆:Plein air又称 Open air, 即绘画写生,是17世纪罗马最先使用,到19世纪才开始流行的。主要画landscape在changing condition下有什么变化。最开始这种绘画方式不被认真对待,到后来发生2个变化l被发明,很方便携带 2.一种tin-tube颜料出现,这种颜料是提前混合好的,画家不需要再自己混颜料。
French Impressionist—Claude Monet甚至说“我不需要studio,nature就是我的工作室”。他会携带很多canvas,要画不同时间下的风景。一般都是small brush或intense lights,和传统不同。
Lecture 2
标题:Barn owl
内容回忆:先讲了这种owls(有图)有facial disk(面部较平),然后night vision很好,但是提了一个问题,说它能在黑暗中准确抓住一片掉落的树叶,how? 学生猜不是视觉,也不是嗅觉。最后揭晓是听觉。它的耳朵是一高一低的,也就意味着左耳听到声音的时间和右耳完全不同,它可以借助听觉准确知道猎物的位置。又由于它的面部构造,当它直面猎物的时候,左右耳听到的声音就一致了,这也意味着猎物很近,可以直接眼睛观察就能捕捉到了。
Lecture 3
学科分类: Astronomy
内容回忆:4billion years ago,Mars上面是有水的,通过干的河床和一些低地势的地方看到的lake beds都能证明。但原因不明。有科学家猜测是有很高的CO2,但是它很容易被水吸收。而且有大量CO2就会产生大量的carbonates,当时用的探测方法主要是spectroscopy, 发现Mars表面很少有该物质。所以CO2的说法被反驳了吗?不是的,1st Mars表面有大量sulfur,它会和CO2发生反应;2nd 表面没发现不代表下层没有,在一个叫C hill的石头用spacecraft发现了25%的carbonates。如果其他地方都这样那就成立,如果只有这个石头这样那还得找其他解释。
Lecture 4
学科分类: Anthropology
内容回忆: 讲Inca如何成为当时最强大的古文明。当时Inca就有8million people,所以food source对于他们来说至关重要,需要大量优质的食物。1st climate change提供了好处,他们居住的lake旁边发现早期没有的pollen痕迹,而且有maize pollen,也就意味食物充足,甚至会用oribatid mites 来给maize提供营养。2nd alder trees能够产生nitrogen,也能营养土壤。也提到高海拔的好处是可以terracing,易守难攻。最后讲有些科学家质疑climate理论,认为是人使得文明强大,不是温度或气候。
Task 1
Talk about at least 1 advantage/ disadvantage about not being active on social website and social media.
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is acceptable that someone use other’s influence to get a job.
Task 3
阅读标题: combine students& faculty dinning
原因1:Students need more space. It is too crowded.
原因2:Encourage positive social interaction with professor.
原因1:professors are not often coming to dinning hall. They have more options: eat at home, local restaurant or office. So students could have more space.
原因2:the student is concern about the “interaction”. She thinks students might bother professor when they just want to deal with their colleagues or eat quietly. But it still worth a try.
Task 4
阅读标题:high-effort products
定义:Products that need people to depend on their own. People who have difficulties toachieve goals would like to choose this kind of products.
听力例子:The professor did a test: there are two kinds of shoes, one is made in advanced technology, and the slogan is “work less, jump higher”; the other is using muscles,the slogan is “work harder, jump higher.”
Then he asked 2 basketball teams to choose. The poorly performed team would like to choose the later, while the winning team would prefer the first shoes.
Task 5
问题:Sue wrote a paper about people’s health, yet she saw a new study she could add in it. But she has no time because she has a band rehearsal in the afternoon.
解决方案1:no adding.
优点1:her paper is cool already , she put much effort on it.
缺点1:the new study could better her paper.
解决方案2:skip the band rehearsal
优点2:she could rewrite the paper and add in the new study.
缺点2:It is the last rehearsal before music festival.
Task 6
话题: How dam could have negative impacts on animals
要点1:block the passage for species have to migrate.
例子1:Salmons have to migrate to upper side of the river to mate and reproduce. Their population decrease because of the dam.
要点2:change of geography will ruin the habituate for some species
例子2:A kind of birds live at tall grass near the river. But when dam established, there is no growing of tall grass any more. And the birds just vanished.
Passage One
1. Readily=immediately
2. Exploit=pay attention to
Passage Two
内容回忆: 我们一直以为北美土著不会驯化动物,但其实这是有原因的。好驯化的动物应该是等级制度(可以把人类当做它们的头儿)以及具有社交性的,北美的动物不具备这些特征。动物的驯化分成好多个阶段,只是圈养起来不算驯化完成,动植物脱离人无法继续繁衍才是。北美土著的狗的驯化就不完全,还只是停留在第一个阶段,这种狗不会狗叫,只会狼嚎,吃村民的垃圾废物生存。驯化成功的例子是玉米,没有人的帮助不能繁衍。
1. Cycle=repetition
2. Diffuse=spread
Passage Three
内容回忆: 以前人们总是把地球上发生的重大地质变化归因于偶发的大灾难,直到一个人认为地质过程应该是渐变的,是一个循环。岩石被风化,被水冲走流入海里,然后沉淀再形成岩石,然后岩石突破地面成为山。但是他不知道这些运动的能量从哪里来。这一系列的地质活动时间非常长,但是和地球的年龄相比也不长。这个人关于地质循环的观点影响了后来的科学研究。
Agree or disagree:physical exercise is important to older people than to younger people
20100131、20110731Physical exercise is more important for older people than for younger people.
20081212Sports and exercises are more important to elderly people than to young people.
从形式上可以参考2018.2.4(2016.5.29)it is better for older people to take risks and explore new things than young people.
Mystery Hill究竟是美国本土的还是欧洲人建的。
ngement, stone上的straight lines,writing ape methord和欧洲相似
1.可能有什么move了stone form their original location,ing style可能是accident3.美国人reshape jewelry时候也用的这种方式。