这是每年必然会出现的情况。几乎每个月就会有一道老题或者新题再次出现。比如:20170401 When you have been friends with someone for a long time, it is important to continue your friendship with that person even if he or she does something you do not like. 以及20170415 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. It is better to make friends with intelligent people than with the people who have a good sense of humor.这两道题两三年前就曾经考到,所以历史总会重演。对于过去的老题建议同学们还是要看看,分析一下观点和理由。如果遇到老题则考场上拿高分的概率会更高。
另外一点新的现象是,今年的新题变得更有挑战,官方可能觉得太经典,难住不少考生,以致会按耐不住,新题重考。更夸张的是一个月内会重复出现同一道考题。比如:20170513&27 Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (ages 5 to 10)? Why?A being helpful to othersB being honestC being well-organizedUse specific examples and evidences to support your answer 这道题5月13日和27日都有考到。算是史上重考速度最快的一道新题。另外,还有20170304/1028 Nowadays, many movies or films are based on books. Some people prefer to read the original book before they watch the movie, other prefer to watch the movie before reading the book. Which one do you prefer?也是3月4日面世,10月份重考。建议同学们还是以史为鉴,可知未来。
三选一题目2017年总数跃升至8道题。将近五分之一的比重。内容主要是环保,生活和教育类话题。而且难度在加大。除了20170513&27,还有:20170917 A lot of high school students now cheat in homework assignments, by asking other students for answers. Which of the following do you think is the most efficient way to stop cheating?-asking parents to help stop the students from cheating-penalty or punishment to the students-asking teacher to create homework assignment that cannot be easily cheated.20171209 Which one is the most important for high school teachers? (students aged 15 to 18) 1. The ability to give advice about planning for future.2. The ability to recognize students that need help.3. The ability to encourage students to learn outside of the classroom by themselves.20171217如果给朋友推荐reduce living expense的方式:1. 找一个室友合租2. 不买最新款手机,buy less frequently3. Buy cheap food and cook home(不要经常在外面吃)Which way will you recommend your friend and why?这些题类型和作答方式都比以往更难。更多是从纵深角度对比选项各自的优缺点或利弊从而证明自己的观点。相信2018年还会继续这个趋势,题目会更多更难。望同学们做好准备。
二选一类题型今年成为主打题型,有近20道,占题目半壁江山。比如:20170909 Your friends have the opportunity to choose either one of two typesof major field of study, which one would you suggest your friend to choose and why?A major that would allow him to complete and get a degree faster (sothat your friend could start working full-time sooner) major that requires many years of study but would provide him with more employment opportunities and job offers in the future.相信2018年会继续这个势头。话题涉及工作、生活、学习、教育等。这种题型考察学生对于不同选项,通常是通过分析比较证明某一种行为背后的合理性或效果。建议同学们结合2017年考题研究其共性和合理理由做好充足应对准备。
2017年下半年增多,呈井喷之势。8月底到1月初就考到5次。如:20170826 Do you agree or disagree: Nowadays it’s easier to maintain good health than it was in the past?20170827 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement : Sometimes people think nowadays the media (TV, newspaper, Internet) are less concerned about the accuracy of news than in the past, and the incorrect information may cause more problem to the public.20171021 Students are more interested in politics today than they were in the past.总体上都属于过去几年的老题重考。而且几乎每个月都有考。基本上接下来应该还会继续这个势头。有一点有意思的现象是,在古今对比的基础上,20170827这道题又出现了一个奇葩类尾巴,表示这种不关注新闻准确度的态度会对公众构成影响。给同学们会造成选择和回答上的困难。要加以留意。鉴于每年都会出一两道奇葩类考题,不在出题类型和规律上,出现这种情况只能自求多福,随机应变了。最好是研究过往几年这种类似的题目,加以提前准备。一般都是错误的原因加错误的结果,比如搬到新城市或国家不好,以为会丢掉老朋友。错误的让步加错误的转折,比如虽然现代农业会破坏生态,但是养活人口比环境保护更重要。
这种题型在逐年减少,但是还是属于杀手类题型。刀不血刃,制敌于无形。比如:20170225 Do you agree or disagree: The way people dresses is a good indication of his or her personality or character. 20170603 Do you agree that people easily learn from the friends beside them? 虽然考的不多了,但是也建议多构思一下如何破题比较容易,做好提前准备。
这种题型也在逐年减少数量,2017年仅考过四次。但是作为当年猛将,重点难考题型之一,官方肯定不愿意放弃这种题型。2018年还会时不时卷土重来。同学们也要做好准备。如:20170107You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a group. Do you think a person's honesty is the most important characteristic for being a leader?20170506 Do you agree or disagree: It is impossible to always be completely honest with your friends?20171029 A university is going to establish a requirement for all the students in the university. Do you agree or disagree with the decision that the university will choose public speaking as the requirement for all students?20171216 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important thing for the government to improve the healthcare is to clean the environment.