People from different occupations have benefited from the advancement of modern technology. For example, the electronic calculator has liberated accountants from complex and repetitive calculations that are time-consuming and exhausting. CT-scans and B-type ultrasound scans often aid doctors in diagnosing illnesses for patients which may even include fatal diseases. The advent of computers and the Internet has provided easy and ready access for people to search for relative information in a short period of time. Before computer technology became readily accessible, anybody wanting information had to rely on searching through countless books and periodicals to find the information they were looking for.
liberate … from … 解放、释放
=free/release/emancipate … from …
✎ liberate students from intense academic pressure
aid in … 在…方面帮助
=assist, help
✎ with the aid/assistance/help of
最新发明 latest invention
技术发展 technological development/progress
阻碍进步 hinder/impede progress
提高质量 enhance/improve the quality of
提高生产力 boost productivity
发射通讯卫星 launch a communications satellite
有效的通信手段 effective means of communication
✎ Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of people’s lives has already taken place. (2014.8.23/2012.9.22)
✎ Because the world is changing so quickly, modern people are less happy and less satisfied with their lives than people in the past. (2011.1.30/TPO 31)