Many athletes or celebrities that are from the entertainment business can change their careers to be politicians. Do you agree or disagree with this idea of profession change?
对,不要忘了,Arnold Schwarzenegger (施瓦辛格) 可是当过加州州长的。
On September 27, 2006 Schwarzenegger signed the GlobalWarming Solutions Act of 2006, creating the nation's first cap on greenhouse gas emissions. The law set new regulationson the amount of emissions utilities, refineries and manufacturing plants areallowed to release into the atmosphere. Schwarzenegger also signed a secondglobal warming bill that prohibits large utilities and corporations inCalifornia from making long-term contracts with suppliers who do not meet thestate's greenhouse gas emission standards. The two bills are part of a plan toreduce California's emissions by 25 percent to 1990s levels by 2020. In 2005,Schwarzenegger issued an executive order calling to reduce greenhouse gases to80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050.[92]
另外一位从演员转向政客的人物是美国总统Ronald Reagan(里根总统)
这位美国第40人总统 在年轻的时候可是一位演员。
里根总统执政期间 正式世界局势风云变化之时,总体来说,他是美国人心目中一位成功的总统,维基百科对其legacy有如下评价:
Since Reaganleft office, substantial debate has occurred among scholars, historians, and the general public surrounding his legacy.[341] Supportershave pointed to a more efficient and prosperous economy as a result of Reagan'seconomic policies,[342] foreignpolicy triumphs including a peaceful end to the Cold War,[343] and arestoration of American pride and morale.[119] Proponentsalso argue Reagan restored faith in the American Dream with his unabated andpassionate love for the United States,[344] after adecline in American confidence and self-respect under Jimmy Carter's perceived weak leadership, particularly duringthe Iranhostage crisis, as well as his gloomy, dreary outlook for the future of theUnited States during the 1980 election.[345]
总体上说,里根任上,美国遭遇很多危机,但里根用其沉着于冷静(composure) 智慧,良好的沟通能力,使美国战胜了危机,取得了cold war的最终胜利。从这个角度上说,他的转型也是成功的,当然他的政治性格的形成presumably受到了其早年演艺生涯的影响。