共享单车(shared bikes)是现在在城市中非常流行的短途(short distance)出行工具, 因为它们的方便,健康环保,越来越多的人选择共享单车出行。我们也来跟风趁热学学一些表达来积累些语料吧,要知道在我们托福考题中可使出现过不少类似交通工具的内容哦~
“ China’s craze for bike-sharing has brought more than 2m new bikes to its city streets. The brightly coloured bicycles, produced by companies such as Mobike and ofo, can be unlocked using mobile apps. Mobike’s models are even GPS-tracked.
Unlike other sharing schemes around the world, China’s bicycles can be picked up and left anywhere, making them convenient for users but frustrating for city authorities
The bicycles are locked by the user after riding, and then unlocked by the next rider by using a mobile app and scanning a QR code on the frame.
用户骑完共享单车后将之上锁,下一个用户可使用手机应用扫描车身上的二维码解锁 ”
好了,看完上面这段话,请同学们试着找出关键词,总结一下到底怎么介绍共享单车呢(shared bikes)?
我们可以这样说,The shared bike is the most popular mode of transport for short distance recently especially among young citizens. They can be picked up and left anywhere, which is a great convenience for users. After you find one, you only need to scan a QR code on the frame to unlock it. After you get to the place, you can lock up the bike manually. It’s charged 0.5-1 RMB per hour. The 2 best-known and most widely used bikes are called Mobike and Ofo. You need to download their App , pay certain amount of deposit and then you are free to set off on the road. The bikes even have GPRS-Trackers on them so that you get to know where to find one available on your phone. Occasionally, some promotions are offered for users like free ride or red-packet bikes , which makes this cycling activity even hotter.
(共享单车是现在国内最流行的短途出行工具尤其是在城市年轻人中。它们可以被放置在任何地点,这很大限度地方便了用户。你找到一辆单车后,只需要扫一下车上的二维码就可以解锁它。到达目的地后你手动关锁行程就结束了。共享单车每小时收费0.5-1块钱不等。现在最有名和最广泛的两种单车是摩拜单车和小黄车。你需要下载他们的app,交一定数量的押金就可以上路了。这些车上甚至有GPRS 定位装置,你可以通过手机知道哪里有车。单车时不时会有些优惠活动,像免费骑行或红包车,这让骑行越来越火了。)
那我们现在再来按照托福考试独立任务题的2题模式Brainstorm一下shared bike 的advantages 和 disadvantages 分别是什么?
首先来说 Advantages:
1 convenient (从刚才的语料中可以提取);
2 a good exercise for body —cycling;
3 moneysaving
4 Never have to be afraid of bike missing.
1 hard to maintain,
2 dangerous riding
3 bad weather ( rain, snow, wind, sunburn)
4 time consuming for especially long distance.
5 ……(自己试一试)
同学们试着根据这些提示来分别表达一下shared bike的优缺点吧。
“ Recently, the ministry of transport released a draft guideline to encourage and regulate the development of shared bikes, soliciting public opinions for two weeks. The draft requires real name registration for shared bikes.
意见稿还指出,要加强信用管理,建立企业和用户信用基础数据库(establish an enterprise and user credit database), 将企业和用户不文明行为和违法违规行为记入信用记录(uncivilized behaviors and violations by enterprises and users will be written into their credit record), 建立守信激励和失信惩戒机制。
deposit management 押金管理
client security 用户安全
Parking management 停车管理
sharing economy 共享经济
car-sharing 共享汽车