Do you agree or disagree with: Working at home is better than working in the office? 是否同意远程办公优越于办公室办公?
首段:背景介绍 +争议焦点+作家立场
1. 比之家庭办公,来自于办公室的限制和来自同事的压力能刺激员工更加努力地工作。
2. 办公室办公才能培养健康的人际关系以及带来更多的工作乐趣。
3. 对比远程办公,办公室办公效率更高,因为出现问题,职员可以有效地沟通,及时地处理危机。
1. 远程办公对于老板有利好,因为他可以节省经济成本,因为不用租用办公室以及支付坐班工资。
2. 远程办公对于职员有利好,具体而言,他们不必往返,工作时间灵活,也许幸福感更强,因为远程办公有效地克服了地理的障碍以及节省了时间成本。
3. 但是其弊端不可忽视,没有交流的对象,人会孤独,在社交方面力不从心,更没有办法建立良好的人脉网,而这些对于人的职员生涯的发展恰恰是有意义的。
1. telecommuting = tele-work n远程办公
2. work at home = work form home v远程工作
3. play the role of tele-commuters 扮演远程工作者的角色
点评:telecommuting workers = telecommuters n远程办公者
4. superior = business leader n 老板
5. business owners = enterprisers n企业家
6. …… could enhance the efficiency of working v提高工作效率(重点背诵)
7. provide sb with more flexible mode of working v给某人提供了更加灵活的工作方式
8. A flexible work life is beneficial to one’s health because home workers can relax for a while without the supervision of business owners if they are fed up with work. 弹性工作模式有益于身体健康, 因为没有企业主的监督,工作者可以在疲惫的时候休息下。
9. Long-termed telecommuting might contribute to poor working performance,laziness and even detrimental health condition. 长期的远程办公会导致工作懈怠,懒惰和不良的健康状况.
10. Working at home minimize the opportunity of face-to-face communication. 远程办公减少了面对面交流
点评:minimize = diminish = reduce v 减少……
11. Tele-working exerts a baneful influence on maintenance of the close relationship among the colleagues or the cultivation of good teamwork spirit 远程办公不利于维持同事间的友谊以及培养良好的团队合作精神。
点评:the cultivation of good teamwork spirit团队精神的培养
12. On the side of employers, with many of the employees telecommuting, they no longer need to invest large sums of money renting spacious offices or paying office salary. 对于老板来说,如果很多的员工远程办公,他们就不用花钱来租宽敞的办公室以及支付坐班工资。
13. As for plenteous employees, they no longer take the trouble to commute between their homes and offices every day. 对于员工来说,他们不再用费力地每天在家和办公室之间往返了.
点评:as for …… = on the side of …… = on the part of…… 对于……来说
14. Tele-commuters could have more free time at their own disposal 远程办公者有更多的时间可以自己支配。
15. The constraints in offices and pressure from colleagues can motivate the employees to work harder办公室的限制和来自同事的压力能刺激员工更加努力地工作.
词汇: strain n.过度的紧张
constrain vt.抑制,拘束
constraint n.抑制,拘束
16. Home workers may fail to associate and communicate with people around them effectively 家庭办公者也许不能和周围人的有效地交往和交流。
17. Telecommuters, to large extent, tend to become socially inadequate 远程办工者在很大程度上会在社交方面变得力不从心(重点背诵)
18. Working from home requires good self-discipline and time-managing capacity 远程办公需要自律性和时间管理能力
19. In comparison with …… , …… enjoys more glaring merits. v对比……,…… 优势更加明显
20. tele-commutating cannot surpass office working 远程办公无法超越办公室办公
拓展:Office working is superior to tele-commutating 办公室办公优越于远程办公