Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important investment for a big company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees.
I agree with this statement completely. As far as I can see, there are a lot of advantages and very few disadvantages.
First of all, ever since the beginning of time people have been trying to improve the efficiency at a work place. Take the building of the pyramids as an example, instead of every person carrying one piece of cut rock to the top, people would form a line and thereafter passing a piece of rock from one person to the next. Doing so decreased the building time a lot, and instead of wearing out their worker’s whole bodies they mostly worked with their arms and backs. That is only one out of many possible examples as to why the Egyptians are a prime example of why increasing the level of efficiency should be stressed.
Further more, when it comes to proficency, I believe that Oliver Evans, Eli Whitney and Gaspard Monge are perfect examples. If you aren’t sure about who they are, let me tell you. The people mentioned above are known as the “Forefathers of the assembly line”, because without them our knowledge of the components needed for an assembly line might have been delayed a long time. They are the perfect example of why it is important to assign a person with the required proficiency at the right position (but in their case, machine parts were the major players instead of people).
However, these days the automatic part of the process has already pretty much been perfected, so now we have to deal with the human side of the process. To illustrate, imagine there being twenty people working at a company. Their positions are not fixed, so every week they rotate between stations. They do this because it is considered “useful” to know how all of the stations work. Due to this, every week there are two people who are not familiar with the work that has to be done at their station, let’s say that their work-pace is around 50% seeing as they are both learning and working.
Now, let’s turn the situation around. Instead of having new people at every station every week, they put one person there who is fully aware of what he is doing. This means that he is capable of working at 100% the whole time. So, instead of wasting manpower and resources, the company can now cut their expenses by half, or assign the person who didn’t make the cut to a new position.
To conclude, efficiency and proficiency is something that has been required since people started working and building things. These days our business world is more competitive, thus increasing the need for efficiency and proficiency. That is why headhunters exist, to look for the most suitable person for the job. Companies investing money to improve those skills is definitely the right move. (491)