2014年6月15日托福综合写作预测 5
Cloud Seeding 技术的利弊,阅读支持,听力反对。
1.实际上也会降低 rain and snow 的形成率,造成干旱,减产。
2.亚洲是在城市中做的实验,污染多,云层状态不一样;在美国,我们是 unpolluted 的,很可能不能直接 repeat (哎- -)
3. 那些数据太片面,实际上很多地区(在那个地区的 east south and north)都 ruduce the damage 了,所以也很有可能是 change of climate 造成的。
2014年6月15日托福综合写作预测 6
讲 congestion pricing。 说为了缓解交通拥堵,解决办法就是在 city 中的某个区域收费,这样就能缓解一下。
第一个 point. 这样做可以 improve time(主要就是说节省时间)
第二个 point. 可以改善环境 improve that area's environment
第三个 point. 收的 fee 可以用于 revenue(这个单词没记住怎么拼大概就) the city 可以再修路,修桥什么的:
lecture 中,professor 否定了这个观点。
1. 他认为这样做有些司机不愿意花钱走这个区域就得绕路,更浪费时间。举了个例子:送快递的,他们要省钱,所以送快递的时候会变长。
2.在收费区里面环境可能会好点 , 但是周围的车相对就会增多 , noise and air pollution 就会多 。所以不是整个 city 都能环境变好
3.有的人不能 afford 这个费用了,就会去坐 subway,政府就得出更多的钱维护 subway,这样一来收的那点钱可能还不够维护的,所以也不能起到帮助修桥,修路什么的作用了。
2014年6月15日托福综合写作预测 7
The causes of moving rocks.
1、 风吹动
1、high wind might move the heavy rocks
2、 结冰,冰带着石头滑动
2. Here is another possibility – ice. It’s possible that rain on the desert floor could turn to thin sheets of ice when temperatures drop at night. So if rocks becoming bed in ice, a piece of ice with rocks in it could be pushed around by the wind.
3. 人为恶搞
3. People are moving the rocks
1、 石头后有明显的痕迹,体现很大的阻力,不可能是风吹的
1. there are remarkable trail behind the rocks as they moved from one point to another, which
means considerable resistance, so they are not supposed to be pushed by the wind.
2、 没这么冷,没这么多降水量
2. the place is not cold enough to form the ice, moreover, the limited precipitation determined there are not enough water could be turn to ice.
3、 并没有人或马的脚印留下来
4. there are no footprints, no horse tracks, nothing was left so nothing was brought in to move these heavy rocks.
In the lecture, the professor makes several points about that the reasons of moving rocks have been eliminated the possibilities that mention in the passage.
Contrary to the belief in the passage that high wind might move the heavy rocks, the professor asserts that there are remarkable trail behind the rocks as they moved from one point to another,which means considerable resistance, so they are not supposed to be pushed by the wind.
The author of the passage points out that it’s possible that rain on the desert floor could turn to thin sheets of ice when temperatures drop at night. So if rocks becoming bed in ice, a piece of ice with rocks in it could be pushed around by the wind. While the lecture notes that the place is not cold enough to form the ice, moreover, the limited precipitation determined there are not enough water could be turn to ice.
The professor argues that there are no footprints, no horse tracks, nothing was left so nothing was brought in to move these heavy rocks. This is different from the reading, which states that people are moving the rocks.
2014年6月15日托福综合写作预测 8
阅读说,一个 TLP 的现象,就是观察月光以判断 EVENTS 什么的。但是呢,这个现象不靠谱啊。
1. 这个光有可能是因为器械的随机错误造成的呀。可能是望远镜啊啥的。
2. 可能是 METEORS STRIKING 啥的(这词记不清)造成的。
3. 可能是 ROCKS 造成的
1。要是真是器械随机误差造成,那么 REPORTS 应该也显示光反射的随机性哇,就是EVERYWHERE 咯!可是咧,据我所知噢,明明就只出现在俩特别的地方嘛。一点也不随机。
2. 你那个 METEORS STRIKING 虽然发生,但是,拜托!这个只发生 1 秒好伐?但是 TLP在月亮上头有 20 分钟哎...
3. 虽然你个石头有可能反光,但是吧,那个月球本身的光照要亮好多吧多...那个 ROCK 的是很 WEAK 的。
In the reading, the author presents three reasons to refute the TLP method in astronomy which principle is to judging events by observing moonlight. However, in the lecture, the professor contends the casts doubt on the reading by using the following three points.
First of all, the reading contends that the moonlight could be generated by random errors of equipment like telescope. Whereas, the professor thinks even so, the final report should show the randomicity of light reflection—that is, the light should be displayed everywhere. However, only in two particular positions could lights be detected.
Moreover, contrary to the belief in the passage that the light could be produced by meteors’ striking, the professor asserts that the occurrence of meteors’ striking could just last for 1 second, which forms a sharp contrast with the 20 minutes’ duration of TLP on the moon.
Finally, the reading attribute the light to rocks. On the contrary, the professor points out that the light reflected by the rocks is several times weaker than moonlight. (171 words)