09年中国大陆地区的第一场考试发生在2009年1月10日。其中第一题的大意是:When it comes to choosing friends, which characteristic do you think is the most important: honesty, loyalty or sense of humor? 回答这个问题有两种策略:一个是老实人的办法,一个是聪明人的招数。我们先看题目在问什么,很明显,题目要求我们从三种特性中选出一种,是在择友过程中最重要的。老实人的办法就是老老实实地选一个,比如honesty(诚实),然后根据honesty再来展开三个论据(或举例或抽象描述):
Plan A
Honesty is the most important characteristic in choosing friends
Reason 1: True friends should never lie to each other
Reason 2: Being honest to your friends is the best way to maintain a long-term relationship
Reason 3: A dishonest person will eventually hurt you and your family