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独立写作People live in countryside are happier than people live in the city.
For those who spend the majority of their time living in the city, they often hold an unrealistic fantasy about living in the countryside. They believe that countryside is all itealicaly beautiful, life in slow pace and wonderful scenery around the house. However, this part of the story may not be exactly the truth.
Although initially appealing, I still find living in the countryside not quite an ideal place for me. First and foremost, the countryside lack the wide range of entertainment that the city provides. While in the city, the cinema or the theatre is only a few bus stops away, it may take the countryside's careful planning to come to the city to enjoy such luxury. They must plan ahead the train tickets and make sure they would make to the show on time. Still, they have to hurry back home the moment the show is over. Art galleries, museums and theatres, which are what city drawlers enjoy on daily bases, maybe quite unapproachable for people living in the countryside. They live in a lonely island in terms of cultural event and I don't really consider that as happier.
As a matter of fact, some people hold their banners high declaring that countryside people enjoy cleaner air and water compared with their city counterparts. This may not be the case at all. More factories are build in the suburb and the countryside than those are build in the city. Granted, the city has more cars and more traffic jams. However, the countryside can be filled with variety of pesticide and fertilizers.