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2013-04-15 11:36


【 liuxuequn.com - 托福机经 】


  1 莎翁剧和Neo 不同之处,我选得发生在多个地方

  2 雨果为啥跑到朋友家?我蒙的,选的为了给剧场创造和谐气氛。。。。

  3 关于雨果那部剧的评价?我觉得答案那个都不对,估计我选错了。


  3albatross 就是一种信天翁 飞很远很远去觅食,几千公里啊 不是迁徙 就是觅食 这种鸟体能很好 能飞很长的距离只用很少的能量 讲了它为什么不在巢穴附近觅食 主要是因为要躲避天敌predator, 所以筑巢的地点没有更多的选择(有题)每天都去很远的地方找食物因为每次只产一个egg 而且小鸟也习惯了扛饿 所以还能维持(有题)然后说他们靠两种本领认路,一是mag...靠地磁,二是靠星星,生物学家研究他们,但很难跟踪他们,只能考其他鸟推断,说有种基因还是什么的,在迁徙鸟中发现,以为有关,可后来又在非迁徙鸟中发现,就说明不了什么了(有题)

  1 关于信天翁那个正确?我光记得一个肯定错误的选项了,第一个,它是一种migration 鸟 2 信天翁为啥不把窝筑在岛上?因为有predator. 3 关于小鸟的,4 选2,我选了小鸟抗饿和每次只生一个小鸟。

  4 关于信天翁认路本领,哪个正确?选项有只能观察其它的鸟;目前还没有证据证明。拿不定选哪个,选了前者。

  5 听部分讲座题,重复的是老师说你们想象一下每次出去吃东西都要走好几千里那么远。女生说,wow,我每次走到cafeteria 都嫌远。问老师的目的。我好像选得鼓励学生认识信天翁这么牛XXXX。巨长的一个选项。

  4(这个以前有!1 月19 日) 教授说学生的影评写得不好 只列出了detail 还需要写自己的opinion,而且要更subjective,和与其他电影的对比(有题),学生问要不要重写,老师觉得是自己教得有问题 但是因为很多学生都写得不全 所以这次不能给分 教授提议请一个朋友(这朋友在某报刊写影评)来讲怎么写评论 并要组织去乡村电影俱乐部看电影,因为气氛是很重要的(有题) 学生最后又问这次作业还用不用重写 教授说要与那哥们商量 1 问老师为啥不让学生重写?我选老师觉得自己布置作业时没讲清要求。

  2 组织看club 电影的目的。我在两项中犹豫,体验气氛; 和专业人士一起看电影。后来选了后者,估计不对了。

  3 影评到底应该怎么写?4 选2,我选得要有对比,还有subjective. 4 最后问老师给同事打电话的目的,我选得决定要不要重写作业。

  5 体育教练要考虑的问题 ,说有个对很多教练的调查,他们说如果事业重来他们会换种方式,因为他们把过多的精力全放在了比赛的方面,要改的主要有一是relationship,与学校领导,与父母,队员 二是organization,比如说赛前的营养餐(有题,主要说工作要全方位,要细致) 有个学生下个月就要去做什么教练了(教练说那你应该上什么什么其他课,后来他意识到是下个月,就说了个语气句子,有题,应该是说他意识到这不可行) 还讲了要不要在队里制定很多的规定 教授的意思是不要太多 那些制定很多规定的人是为了自己轻松 但如果制定了规定就应该严格 1 调查发现教练都想改进那两项?relationship and organization 4 选2 2 据赛前饭的例子的目的,我选说明organization 云云 3 制定哪些规定,以下哪个正确?我选为了省的作决定,估计错了,选项有教练和学生混熟了就不遵守规定了。

  4 老师说:阿,你还有一个月就上任了?态度:我选的她意识到作的建议不合适(就是让学生去上什么课。

  6wind 对climet 的影响吧,一种是传递HEAT,一种是传递水分,温度高处空气上升,地面低气压,温度低处空气下降,地面高气压,风从高气压到低气压。还有海水中水蒸发成气携带能量,能量一直到在次凝结成水才释放 海洋形成水蒸气时,能量存在水蒸气里面,然后变成降水,把能量释放。

  1 风的作用,4 选2,我选得传递能量和水 2 4 选2, 为啥会形成温度梯度差?我选得不同地方得到太阳能量不同和陆地比海洋升温快。还有一个选项说不同时候太阳放出的能量不同。

  3 选一个正确的,我选得形成水蒸气是从海洋提取了能量。有一个选项是随着水蒸气移动,能量渐渐变小。

  4 重听题,女生问我不明白XXX。老师说很好的问题。。。。。问老师这么说的目的,我选得把话题logically 转移到下一个要讲的话题。


  1。自行车,火车,汽车哪种更enjoybale(感觉185 题苦力的题全用在口语里了现在。

  2。决定职业前,学生是否应该去实习或感受之类的经验? 3。学校要求每个学生一个16 小时的志愿programs in community before you graduate,女的说很好,两个理由,一个是他哥哥因为这个改了目标找到了当老师的好工作,二是学生们把一个社团重新restart 了,说把我们在学校学到的知识分给那些市民是很有益处的 4。reactence is individual disire for reestablish of freedom and control of situation 听力举了两个例子,一个是小孩在一个操场玩得特别好,结果无缘无故家长就不让去了,然后小孩觉得不公平,就偷偷去,而且玩得时间更长despite parents' rules.第二个例子,一种肥皂因为成分污染环境不让卖了,人们觉得自由购买商品的权利被剥夺反而买的更欢 5。一个学生教课觉得教得不好,女的给出主意,要么找每个学生谈话留作业并让学生谈谈看法,要么在班里发调查问卷来反映情况 6。广告有两种形式,一种是primary demands,就是告诉消费者这东西如何如何好让你买,比如手机刚问世,刚搞就说怎么方便,怎么容易携带,怎么促进与别人交流,第二种 secondary demands,就是告诉你我们公司的这东西如何如何比别的公司同样产品强,举手机的例子,更轻,更容易携带,有照相和上网功能写作(只增加综合第三点。

  1 有关giant-impact theroy 阅读说以前科学家对此theroy 有怀疑 1地球上没有撞击出现的 huge hole 2moon 上的石头没有水的成分 完全dry 3 月球和地球密度不同听力提出相反意见 1 撞击在4billion 年之前发生 huge hole 早就被板块变动弄没了 2 撞击发生时 很heat 水都蒸发了 这也说明为什么月球现在是干的 3 碰撞发生在外层outer layer,那里密度是低的,和MOON 差不多,所以没错 2 如果你有钱,是买lasting time 比较长的东西 such as a expensive piece of jewelry 还是 spend on a short-term pleasure, such as a vacation? 花了一个多小时,痛苦地回忆了昨天考试的内容,考得不怎样,唉我是理科学生,平时数理化考试考完都能把卷字默写下来给师弟师妹,可惜英语不照,我要再努力,祝福大家,也希望我的一点回忆能给大家点帮助本站附 Integrated Writing文本(来自120,可能有部分细节出入。

  How did the moon form? Scientists hypothesized that a piece of space debris the size of Mars struck the Earth just after the formation of the solar system, ejecting large volumes of heated material from the outer layers of both objects. A disk of orbiting material was formed, and this matter eventually coalesced to form the Moon. Nevertheless this giant-impact theory is questioned for the following reasons.First, if the Earth had been smacked hard enough to lose such a big piece of its mantle, the impact would have left a huge mark on the surface of the Earth. Yet so far, no trace of a giant impact has been found on the surface of the Earth. Without evidence proving that a huge collision took place, the validity of the giant-impact theory is doubt.Second, if the Moon came from material that once made up the Earth, then the rocks on the Earth and the Moon should be much more similar in composition. However, the make-up of the rocks on the Moon is quite different from that on the Earth. For example, the rocks on the Moon contain few volatile substances such as water. This fact makes it unlikely that the Moon formed directly from the Earth.: V- y4 l5 n* F7 C# b, q& R

  Finally, the density of the Moon is much lower than that of the Earth. The Moon has a low density compared to the terrestrial planets. Recent findings even suggest that the moon’s core constitutes only 2-4 percent of its total mass, compared to a terrestrial core with about 30 percent of the Earth’s mass. Therefore, the differences between the Moon and the Earth greatly weaken the giant-impact theory. ( X: G2 i/ [9 N _ Professor: # m6 G/ e. B" o8 j/ V2 I3 Y While the giant –impact of how the Moon formed has been heavily criticized, I do not find these criticisms convincing. Here is why.

  First of all, it is true that so far no trace of a giant impact has been found on the surface of the Earth. Yet we should remember that the giant crash took place more than four billion year ago. Any trace of the collision might have been erased by the force of nature. The Earth’s surface is made up of a number of enormous rock plates and they have collided with each other over millions of years, resulting in tremendous change in the map of the planet. Therefore, if there had been any impact mark might have disappeared long ago.' g: I) s. j8 b: n* F7 E! E Second, it is a fact that tocks on the Moon do not contain water, while those on Earth do. However, as the Moon formed out of the collision of space rocks, the heat from the collision made the entire Moon molten. The temperatures on this newly formed Moon were extremely high. With such high temperatures, any water there might have evaporated and gone off into space. So, the absence of water on the Moon is not surprising. Finally, we know that the density of the Earth’s surface is lower than that of the Earth’s center. Since the Moon was originally part of the Earth’s surface, not the Earth’s core, its density should be consistent with the density of the Earth’s surface. This is exactly what we find. The density of the Moon is consistent with that of the Earth’s surface, which further supports the giant-impact theory of the Moon’s formation.


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